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How To Handle A Deferral: A Step-By-Step Guide 如何处理延迟录取:逐步指南

Kristofer Sirevaag

Updated: Dec 31, 2018

This first article is a reprint from Forbes magazine.  It offers a helpful perspective on how to move forward after receiving a deferral or rejection from the Early Decision round.  Please confer with your counselor if you have any questions.  We think it is excellent advice. 

When you apply to colleges, you tend to expect one of two answers: acceptance or rejection. For the academic year of 2018-2019, 6,630 students applied to Harvard University under the Early Action program. Of those students, 938 were accepted and 611 were outright denied. The majority - 4,882 applicants - were deferred and many were left wondering what this meant for their chances.

当你申请大学时,你倾向于期待两种答案中的一种: 接受或拒绝。在2018-2019学年,6630名学生在EA时申请哈佛大学。在这些学生中,938人被录取,611人被彻底拒绝。大多数人——4882名申请者——被延迟了,许多人想知道这对他们的机会来说意味着什么。

Deferred is the limbo of college admissions - you are not accepted, but you aren’t rejected either. If you applied for early decision, a deferral means that the college did not accept you during the early decision cycle, but they do see enough potential in your application that they would like to reevaluate it again during the regular decision cycle.


A deferral means you still have a chance of getting in and your early application has been turned into a regular decision application. For many students, it can be an advantage to be put in the pool of regular decision applicants, especially if they are a strong candidate. It can also give students an opportunity to show the admission officers an improvement in grades, especially if they have a challenging course load lined up for their senior year.


If you do get deferred, keep in mind that it is not the same at every school. Some schools like Northwestern University only defer about 1-2% of their applicants, whereas Georgetown University defers everyone who isn’t accepted early.


At MIT, out of the 9,571 Early Action applicants, 664 were admitted for the 2018 school year, while 6,331 were deferred, and out of those deferred applicants, just 248 were admitted during Regular Admission.

在麻省理工学院2018学年录取过程中, 9571名EA申请者中,有664人被录取,有6331人被延迟录取,而在这些延迟申请者中,只有248人在RD期间被录取。

If you do get deferred, there are steps you can take to make your application even stronger because you are still a candidate for the position.


What To Do When Deferred


Decide if the college is still your top choice. If you get that deferral notice, it's time to reevaluate your options. Think if anything has changed since you first applied for early admission to your "dream school." Is this still your top choice? Is another university looking like a better fit for you now? You are no longer obligated under the early action decision, so if you feel like another school might be a better fit for you, the deferment might be a positive thing, even though it isn’t what you initially wanted. It opens up your options for another university who might be a better fit and offer you a more attractive scholarship package.

决定该学校是否仍然是你的首选。如果你接到延迟通知,是时候重新评估你的选择了。想一想,自从你第一次申请提前进入你的“梦想学校”以来,是否有什么变化。这仍然是你的首选吗? 现在你觉得另一所大学更适合你吗?你已经不在EA考虑范围内了,因此如果你觉得另一所学校可能更适合你,延迟也许是件好事,尽管这不是你最初想要的。它为你打开了更多选择来找到另一所可能更适合你的、并为你提供更有吸引力的奖学金的大学。

Keep in touch. Sometimes, the university might defer you because they want to see more information from you, like test scores or senior year grades. It might also help to find someone who can write you another letter of recommendation. Reach out to a supervisor at an internship or a coach who can add new information to your application.


You can also consider updating anything that was either written incorrectly or not written well in your initial application. However, since you don’t want to be overwhelming the college with more information, it is best to seek independent counsel to help you determine what is necessary. Talk to your school guidance counselor or solicit advice from an independent college counselor and they can help you send in the required materials.


Before sending anything in, make sure to research to see if the college allows any additional material to be sent in. If they don’t, you could be hurting your chances because of an inability to follow directions.


Write a deferral letter. If you have decided that this college is still your top choice, you should send them a deferral letter. This letter shows how you are a stronger candidate now compared to when you first applied and can help change the minds of the admission officers.


How To Write A Deferral Letter


The deferral letter needs to convey why you should be considered for admission. This letter should be a one-pager and compelling. Time is of the essence, and the letter needs to be sent right away.


It should include:


· Why you are still highly interested in attending and this university and why it is still your top choice. If accepted, you will certainly attend. Don't say this unless you truly mean it. Be direct and be clear with your message.

· 为什么你仍然对就读这所大学非常感兴趣,为什么它仍然是你的首选? 如果被录取了,你一定会就读。这些话除非你真的这样想的,否则不要这样说。要直接、清楚地表达你的信息。

· Elaborate on the impressive things you have accomplished since you applied. Discuss the accomplishments or accolades you’ve received in recent months. Make your candidate profile stronger.

· 详细描述你申请这所学校以来取得的令人印象深刻的成就。讨论你最近几个月所获得的成就或荣誉。让你的候选人形象更强大。

· Send a link with to your updated resume and LinkedIn page. Spend time creating a fully completed LinkedIn account if you haven’t done so. Make your online portfolio interactive to help your application come to life. Go beyond just filling out the summary, headlines, and experiences. Add pictures, relevant research papers, and video to showcase your accomplishments.

· 发送一个链接到你更新的简历和LinkedIn页面。如果你还没有创建一个完整的LinkedIn账户,那就花点时间创建好。通过你的在线作品集互动来帮助你实现申请。不要只是填写摘要、标题和经历。添加图片、相关的研究论文和视频来展示你的成就。

· Reiterate why this college is a perfect fit for you and what you will add to the campus community. This section should be brief. Do not restate items you have already mentioned in your personal statement. Be specific.

· 重申为什么这所大学非常适合你,以及你会给校园社区带来什么。这一部分应该简短。不要重述你在个人陈述中已经提到的事项。要具体。

Deferral Letter Example


Dear Mr. Smith,


I am writing to inform you of an addition to my Harvard University application. Although last week I learned that my application for was deferred, I am still very interested in attending Harvard University and would be honored to be admitted. Therefore, I wish to update you on my recent activities and achievements.


As mentioned in my Common Application, I have spent the last two summers performing research at Mercy Hospital and Medical Center. I have worked closely with my mentor collecting clinical data to show the correlation between diabetes and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. I am pleased to report that I presented my findings at the North Carolina Chapter Scientific Meeting in November of 2018. I was honored to be highlighted at an event with almost 500 attendees. My research paper, presentation, and photos from the event can be found on my LinkedIn page: <your LinkedIn url>.

正如我在我的常规申请中提到的,过去的两个暑假,我都在美慈医院和医学中心进行研究。我和我的导师密切合作,收集临床数据来证明糖尿病和非酒精性脂肪性肝炎之间的相关性。我很高兴地向您汇报,我在2018年11月的北卡罗莱纳州科学会议上展示了我的发现。我很荣幸能在近500人的活动中脱颖而出。我的研究论文、演讲和活动照片都可以在我的LinkedIn页面上找到:<your LinkedIn url>。

This semester, I am taking a full course load to challenge myself academically. My class schedule includes AP Statistics, AP English Language, AP Physics, AP BC Calculus, and Honors Spanish II. I am currently on track to receive an “A” in each of my classes. I have exhausted all of the advanced courses at my high school and have taken all seven AP math and science courses available.

这学期,我要学习一门完整的课程,在学业上挑战自己。我的课程包括AP统计、AP英语、AP物理、AP BC微积分和Honors西班牙语二。目前,我的每门课都有望拿到A。我已经完成了高中所有的高级课程,修完了所有7门AP数学和科学课程。

I look forward to the opportunity to continue my research at Harvard University in the future. Thank you for your continued consideration of my application,



Amanda Diaz



Deferral FAQ


Q: If I applied Early Decision and was deferred, is this still binding?

问: 如果我申请了ED,但被延迟了,这还具有约束力吗?

A: No, you are now free from the binding commitment. Take this as a positive; you are now free to explore other options. If another school offers you a better scholarship, you can take it.


Q: Should I mail or email my Deferral Letter?

问: 我应该邮寄还是电邮我的延迟信?

A: Email is fine, as long as you receive a confirmation from the admissions office that they received your letter.


Q: When should I send my Deferral Letter?


A: As soon as possible. Preferably within a week or two of receiving notice you were deferred. Do not delay.


Q: What are some examples of impressive things to include in my Deferral Letter?


A: Here are some examples of what you could include:


· High test scores on standardized tests (SAT, ACT). If you retook the SAT or ACT and your score increased, let them know.

· 在标准化考试(SAT, ACT)中取得高分。如果你重考SAT或ACT,成绩提高了,要让他们知道。

· High grades on rigorous courses. Highlight the advanced courses you are excelling in this semester.

· 严谨的课程中取得高分。突出你这学期擅长的高级课程。

· Extracurricular accomplishments in sports, music, Science Olympiad, DECA, HOSA, National Honors Society, etc.

· 体育、音乐、奥赛、DECA、HOSA、国家荣誉学会等课外成就。

· Volunteer or shadowing hours and accomplishments.

· 志愿者或观摩时间和成就。

· The progress you have made in independent projects, such as research.

· 独立项目(如研究)的进展。



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